Who is Carnage? Unveiling the enigmatic community manager of Ablight
COMMUNITY | More than 3 weeks ago

Who is Carnage? Unveiling the enigmatic community manager of Ablight

Many readers have asked us: who is Carnage, community manager of Ablight? In this article we summarized some of the relevant information that we could find about him. The article is mainly based on his post history on Reddit, although we can not say for sure if this is the same person as the Carnage known as an Ablight community manager.

Addressing community concerns on Ablight

Carnage, a developer for the real-time strategy (RTS) game Ablight, has been actively engaging with the gaming community on Reddit, particularly in the Stormgate subreddit. One of his main focuses has been to clarify misconceptions regarding an unofficial website associated with Ablight, most likely refering to Ablight Ancient.

"dev of ablight here. i said something about this weird website above. it is not made by us and in no way official or affiliated to us. ablight is absolutely legit and we are working hard on what is a passion project for us as massive rts fans. sorry for the confusion, please keep an eye on us and give ablight a chance once we release. "- CarnageRTS, presumably the account of the community manager, responding on Reddit.

Carnage emphasized that this website has no official ties to the development team and was likely created by a fan. He urged the community to avoid confusing this site with any official communications from Ablight, reinforcing that Ablight is a legitimate project born from a deep passion for RTS games. Carnage encouraged players to keep an open mind and consider giving Ablight a chance when it is released.

Involvement in Starcraft 2 discussions

In addition to his work on Ablight, Carnage is also a prominent figure in the StarCraft community on Reddit, where he frequently shares his insights and opinions. His discussions often revolve around game balance and player performances, demonstrating his deep understanding of the game's mechanics. Recently, Carnage expressed his dissatisfaction with the current StarCraft meta, particularly the limited mid-game options available to Zerg players. His comments suggest a preference for more dynamic and aggressive gameplay, and his contributions to these discussions underline his commitment to improving the gaming experience.
CarnageRTS commenting on the Starcraft 2 Reddit.

CarnageRTS commenting on the Starcraft 2 Reddit.

Casual Conversations on fragrances and wrestling

Beyond his more serious engagements, Carnage also participates in lighter Reddit discussions, such as those on fragrances and wrestling. He contributed to a fragrance thread by clarifying that a popular scent had been rebranded rather than discontinued, offering advice on the similarities between the old and new versions. In the wrestling subreddit, Carnage shared his admiration for certain wrestlers and memorable matches, showcasing his enthusiasm for the sport. His contributions often include historical insights, further demonstrating his diverse range of interests.

A broad spectrum of interests

Carnage’s presence on Reddit reflects a wide array of interests, from deep dives into game development and balance issues in StarCraft to broader discussions on international politics and pop culture. His comments are often direct and well-informed, making him a respected figure in the communities he participates in. Whether defending the reputation of Ablight, analyzing StarCraft mechanics, or discussing global affairs and entertainment, Carnage remains an influential voice on Reddit, valued for his expertise and passion.

Possible experience in Age of Empires

Interestingly, there is also speculation about whether this Carnage might also be a known German gamer with the same username, active in the "Age of Empires Online" community, as seen on a Liquipedia page. The Carnage mentioned is noted for his role on the Project Celeste PvP Balance team and for his previous involvement in "Age of Empires IV."
A Liquipedia page showing a player that is also named Carnage.

A Liquipedia page showing a player that is also named Carnage.

Although it is unclear if they are the same person, the shared handle has led to curiosity. This German Carnage has a Liquipedia page detailing his achievements, including top placements in tournaments with modest earnings, and his career in the Age of Empires community, highlighting his influence in yet another facet of the gaming world.